Wilson Engineering understands how vitally important obtaining funding assistance is to our public and nonprofit clients. We proactively assist our municipal and governmental clients in seeking and administering grants and loans to provide improvements to roads, water, wastewater, stormwater and other essential public works programs.
We help our clients identify their funding needs, available funding sources, and appropriate grant/loan application strategies to meet funding needs. We help our clients from start to finish obtaining and administering grants/loans. Funding sources include State Revolving Fund, Centennial Clean Water Grants, Stormwater Grants, Rural Development, RCAC, PWTF, CDBG, CERB, STP, TIB, BIA, and FEMA.
Planning, design, funding, inspection and construction phase services for 0.6 MGD WWTP and new sewer collection system. Funding for the project included grants and loans from PWTF, CDGB, SRF, CCWF, and RECD. The project also included Small Town Environment Program's (STEP) community labor and volunteers and use of prison labor.
Design and construction phase services for new well, chlorination system and transmission main to increase the municipal water supply and improve system reliability. Project included 400 square foot building and emergency power generator.
Comprehensive Sewer Plan including sewer system hydraulic modeling and capital plan, along with WWTP Improvements Facility Plan.